Do Not Be Afraid, He Has Risen!
Matthew 28:1-10
28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 Suddenly, there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, and going to the tomb, he rolled away the stone and was sitting on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow. 4 The guards were so terrified of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here. He has risen, just as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 Go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has risen from the dead! And look, he is going ahead of you to Galilee. There you will see him.’ See, I have told you!”
8 They hurried away from the tomb, with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!”
They approached, took hold of his feet, and worshipped him.
10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go, tell my brothers that they should go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were present when Jesus was crucified. What they saw was horrific. Jesus was nailed upon the cross. Covered in blood, He labored with every breath. Soldiers mocked him. His enemies, the Jewish religious leaders, looked up with hateful triumph. And then Jesus died. No one can survive a Roman crucifixion. The soldiers knew how to do their job. There appeared to be no hope. Only extreme pain and agony.
Jesus' followers went home in despair. The death of the promised Messiah haunted them. And following the Sabbath, the events of Good Friday were still fresh in the minds of both women. They were full of grief. The torture Jesus endured was terrible to think about. At this point they also had a strong fear of the Romans and Jewish leaders.
And yet, their love and respect for Jesus were stronger than their fear. They wanted to provide His body with proper care. So they brought spices, expecting to find a decomposing body. They bravely approached the tomb. They were prepared to see death. And to perhaps even smell it.
While they walked, something unexpected happened! There was a huge earthquake! An angel of the Lord came down from heaven and went to the tomb. He moved the heavy stone blocking the entrance. He sat on top of the stone. Matthew records that "His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow." The guards were so afraid of this brilliant sight that they fainted on the spot.
This angel said to the women: "Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here. He has risen, just as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." Angels are God's messengers. They speak or "deliver" God's Words. And so God declared through this angel: "Jesus is no longer in the tomb!" "Do not be afraid!" "He has risen!" "See, the tomb is empty!"
More than once, Jesus had predicted His resurrection. He said: "[the Son of man] will be handed over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, mistreat him, spit on him, flog him, and kill him. On the third day, he will rise again.” The resurrection was also prophesied centuries before, in the Old Testament. For example, in Psalm sixteen we hear: "Even my flesh will dwell securely because you will not abandon my life to the grave. You will not let your favored one see decay." God's Words are true. He speaks, and it is. Just as God proclaimed, the dead body of Jesus came to life again.
Because Jesus is perfect, He didn't deserve to die. He is true God. The "Holy One." But as sinful humans, we do deserve to die. Scripture is clear that the "wages of sin is death." You and I sin daily. And so our time on earth is limited. Unless Jesus comes first, there is no way to prevent this. There are terminal illnesses, heart attacks, natural disasters, and deadly injuries. Deep down inside, most people will admit that there's something wrong with us. Death is a result of our corrupt, lifeless souls. And yet, death isn't natural. We want to live forever. Many of us are scared to die. But the harsh reality is that, as sinners, we not only deserve physical death, but eternal death in hell.
That's why Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, entered our dismal world. He assumed a perfect human nature. Because He loves you, He became a man. With a real body and a real soul. As true God, He lived a perfect life in our place. And then He died our deserved death. All of our sins, even the deepest, darkest transgressions of our heart, were placed upon Him.
And then, on the first day of the week, the lifeless body of Jesus became warm again. His heart started beating. Breath entered His body. He opened His eyes and moved. Death was replaced with life! After all, He is "not the God of the dead, but of the living!" The resurrection proves that Jesus has defeated death. The tomb can't hold Him captive! The open tomb also declares that the sins of the entire whole world are paid for. This means that God the Father declares that your sins are forgiven. And that mine are forgiven. We have eyewitness accounts of this! We know this without a doubt. The tomb is empty. Those horrible sins that terrify your conscience are cleansed in Christ's blood. Do not be afraid!
Today, our resurrected Lord says to you: "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even if he dies. And whoever lives and believes in me will never perish." It was certain that Jesus would rise again. It is also certain that all who believe in him will rise to a new life. God says this. It is true.
The Holy Spirit creates faith in dead, sinful hearts through the proclamation of the gospel. The gospel is the beautiful message that Jesus suffered, died, and rose again for you. The apostle Paul explains: "For the wages of sin is death, but the undeserved gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." This means that faith isn't something that you do. Someone who's dead in sin cannot come to faith on their own. Instead, faith is a gift. God breathes life into you. He restores your soul. It's all His work. Faith in Jesus gives life.
When you were baptized, you were crucified with Christ. You also rose with Him to a new life of faith. You now have a new man. Your soul is no longer dead in sin, but alive with your resurrected Lord. Baptism isn't just something in your past. Daily, you return to your baptism in repentance over sin, and look to Christ for forgiveness.
And when you meet on Sunday, the first day of the week, remember that your Savior is no longer in the tomb. He has risen! The event of Easter was so profound that believers in Christ no longer worship on Saturday, but now on Sunday! This is the day the Lord rose. This is the day that He shines into your hearts.
It is here, every Sunday, that your resurrected Lord comes to you. You now have eyes of faith that see Jesus. During the Absolution, at the beginning of the service, He declares to you: "As far as the East is from the West, your sins are forgiven." He continues to speak to you and strengthen your faith throughout the service. And Jesus' glorious resurrected body and blood are yours in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. He gives you His life. His forgiveness.
That's why it's so important to come to church. It is here that you receive eternal life, in a fallen world of death. It is here where heaven and earth collide. It is here where we bow down and worship Jesus, just as the two women touched Jesus' feet in adoration, respect, and love. It is here that God strengthens you as you face the reality of suffering and death. You need Jesus. You can't live without Him. So make coming to church a priority. Teach your children at home. Jesus says: "The Spirit is the one who gives life. The flesh does not help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." Don't miss out on God's life creating, and life-giving Words.
All those who believe in Jesus not only rise to a new life of faith, but also rise from the grave to heaven. "Death is swallowed up in victory. Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" For the Christian, death is now just a sleep. Do not be afraid! We have a sure hope. We have God's Word. You have eternal life. You will rise from the grave. You have Jesus' promise. This is true.
Maybe you have gone through the difficult process of losing a loved one in Christ. Death might be fresh in your memory. Or else faded by time.
Today, the empty tomb gives a sure and certain hope. What was our worst fear and uncertainty has now been defeated. Death now marks the time when God calls us home to heaven. You will see your loved one's in Christ again. Do not be afraid! He has risen! Death has lost its sting.
In our sermon text this morning, we see a glimpse of the heavenly reality we have in Christ. The guards and the women saw an "otherworldly" messenger from God. The angel's appearance was brilliant. And both of the Marys saw Jesus, who was dead but now alive! Upon this earth, we don't even know how to process such a sight.
And yet by faith in Jesus, you have His divine life. Your eyes will behold heavenly wonders. You will see the bodies of people who have died, and yet rose again to eternal life. You will see Jesus, face to face in heaven. And you will live in eternal joy and happiness.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you have a Savior loves you so much, that He was willing to enter the jaws of death. He then turned the grave "inside out." Death has lost it's sting. Just as it was certain that Jesus would rise, it is certain that you will, too. God says it. This is true. Through the cleansing waters of Baptism, His death and resurrection are yours. You now have faith in Jesus. Your sins are forgiven. Fear is now replaced by great joy. And so every night when you lay down to sleep, think about how one day, you will be asleep in the grave. And on the last day, your lifeless body will become warm again. Your heart will start beating. Breath will enter your body. And then you will rise to meet your resurrected Lord and Savior. Do not be afraid, He has risen! And you will too. Amen.
April 9th, 2023
Pastor Samuel Johnson