God’s Word is Like Water
Isaiah 55:10-11
“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, 11. So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Our synod college has a place of worship called Trinity Chapel. In the front of this chapel are two stained glass windows. These windows depict God the Father’s hands. From His hands flow water. The water streams down, and continues to flow through the other windows on either side of the sanctuary. So if one sits down in the pews, he or she is surrounded by heavenly water.
This water illustrates the physical and spiritual blessings that the Father gives us. God the Father provides physically by giving us such things as food, drink, clothing, our bodies, and a home in which to live. He also provides for us spiritually by means of His Word. Today, we will consider that God’s Word is Like Water. This is because, just like water, we have a great need of it. And also, just as water gives us life, God's Word bestows upon us spiritual life.
Our sermon text compares the Word of God to rain that comes down from the heavens. Rain causes plants to grow up and bud. This provides seed for farmers to plant in the spring, as well as bread for us to eat.
But rain isn't the only place we find water. There's also snow. Our continent is in the middle of an ocean. And whenever we want a drink, all we have to do is walk up to a tap, turn it on, and water pours out! It’s really quite amazing. Life giving water is everywhere. It's so good for us. And yet, it's so basic and normal that we just don't think about it very much.
Now here's the interesting thing. These verses in Isaiah use water to illustrate truths about God's Word. The Word is in many ways like water. Throughout your life, you have been blessed with many opportunities to hear God’s Word. It’s almost as if you've been surrounded by an "ocean" of the Word with the divine liturgy, Christ centered sermons, weekly Bible Study, and resources for your own study and devotion at home. But the sad thing is, we are creatures of habit. Just as with water, it's so easy to get "used" to God's Word, and take it for granted. It can be easy to treat all these opportunities with indifference. Maybe you've even become bored with the Bible. Or treat it with contempt.
This is dangerous. Just as we can’t physically live without water, it’s impossible for us to live spiritually without the Word. Without water, plants wither, and dry up. And without God’s Word, we also wither and die.
One of the ways in which this happens, is when our sinful nature takes God’s powerful Word for granted. During the service, it's easy for our minds to wander, and become distracted. At home, it's all too easy to leave the Bible on the shelf, and instead watch the next show or movie on TV. It's easy staying up the night before, but then on Sunday morning, it can be so hard to get up. Maybe you do show up at church, but you have an attitude that still despises God's Word. All of these things are damaging to your soul.
What God wants is for you to respect His word. He wants you to gladly listen and appreciate it's divine power. After all, this is God's holy Word. He created the world with it. It's the most important thing that you have. When you treat the Word as if it is boring, or decide that it’s not as important as other things in life, then you are guilty of sinning against Him.
It can be easy to forget that we're surrounded by water. It's also easy to forget about the life-giving Word of God. This spiritual indifference leads us away from true nourishment for our souls. It causes us to become withered up like a parched house-plant. And ultimately, this indifference leads to separation from God, and hell.
Despite what our sinful nature thinks, God's Word isn't boring. Instead, it's incredibly capable. The book of Hebrews explains that “the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Through the Word, the Holy Spirit creates faith. He gives life. He does this by cutting into your soul and showing your sinful nature. And then He shows the Savior to your repentant heart. He shows you the Savior who provides eternal life. That's what God's Word does! And it's far from being boring. Instead, it is deeply spiritual and profound.
The world has an understanding of spirituality that usually involves an "amazing supernatural occurrence." Or maybe a feeling within oneself that’s supposed to be “out of this world.” Maybe this includes an out-of-body experience, or an emptying of the mind for spiritual enlightenment. But these words in Isaiah show that true spirituality is completely the opposite. We need these Words because they give us spiritual life. The Word fills us up so that we are overflowing with spiritual blessings. It is here in this church where God accomplishes what He says in Jeremiah: “I will satisfy the thirsty, and I will give rest to everyone who is weary."
Thanks be to God, that He didn't leave us to wither and die. God explains that His Word “shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” We see this best with Jesus. He is the Word made flesh. Just as God sends down rain from heaven to give us life, he also sent down his Son from heaven. He sent His Son to give us eternal life. The Word for “Shall prosper,” in the Hebrew carries the meaning of “shall succeed.” This doesn’t mean that “I’ll try”, or maybe. It means that Jesus SHALL, succeed. This is God's promise. It is certain. It is true.
You see, Jesus didn’t become indifferent to God’s Word. Instead He fulfilled it perfectly for you. He never once had an attitude in his heart that God's Word was too “normal” or “boring.” His attitude toward God’s Word was always one of complete and utter reliance. He honored the Word. Even during the temptation in the wilderness. The devil tempted Jesus to turn some stones into bread. But Jesus replied with a pure heart: “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’"
In order to give us life, Christ didn't only live in our place. He suffered and died. On the cross, Christ experienced physical and spiritual thirst. He cried out: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Our Savior was separated from God. He experienced the agony of hell itself. He received the punishment withered, dried up souls deserve. He did this all for you and me so that instead of thirsting, we have an abundance of spiritual water. Jesus says: "whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." Because of Jesus, you will never experience the eternal thirst of hell. The tomb is empty! Christ succeeded. His Words are true. He died for your sins, and provides the living waters for your soul.
God's Word is life-giving because it brings you this comforting news of the gospel. And we have God’s certain promise that His Word will accomplish what he says. Just as rain and snow bring immediate results, God explains, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Christ, the Word made flesh, accomplished what He was sent to do by his holy life and death upon the cross for our sins. He fulfilled the prophesies of the Old Testament. Therefore, we are assured that God's Word will always accomplish what He intends.
When my family and I lived in the desert, we were told to keep drinking water, even if we didn't feel thirsty. Things are different in the desert. The sun is extremely hot. One can even be sweating without knowing it.
Upon this earth, we are in a spiritual desert. We often don’t realize that we’re sweating and in need of spiritual water. While we are saints and belong to heaven, we still have a sinful nature that clings to us. Because of this, it's necessary for us to look to God's Word for strength and comfort. We have a constant need for the Word. Just like plants, we wither and decay without our spiritual water. And so as forgiven children of God, we understand that we need to remain in the water to quench our thirst. The gospel waters our parched souls. It brings forth new life. It also causes spiritual growth. It helps us to resist sin, and live a new life of faith. You see, it's through the Word that God comes to you and dwell within you. So when life is hard, or you face difficult temptations, Christ is with you, every step of the way. It is in the Word that Jesus "will not leave you, or forsake you."
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the picture of water coming from God the Father's hands is an important one for us to remember. Every day, just like water, you are surrounded by God's life-giving Word. When we hear God’s Word preached, or meditate upon His Word, it accomplishes what He pleases. His Word nourishes souls. Remember that Jesus is the fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. You receive Him every time you come to church. You receive Him every time you read your Bible at home. God's Word is the most important thing. Today, Jesus is watering your soul. You are no longer dried up and withered. Instead, you are full of life. Listen to the Word. Hear it. Live it. Drink it up to it's full. And one day, you will be with the eternal Word, Jesus Christ, in heaven. Amen.
July 23, 2023
Pastor Samuel Johnson