Jesus Calms the Storms in Life

Matthew 14:22-33

22 Immediately Jesus urged the disciples to get into the boat and to go ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed the crowd, he went up onto the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone. 24 By then the boat was quite a distance from shore, being pounded by the waves because the wind was against it. 25 In the fourth watch of the night,[a] Jesus came toward them, walking on the sea. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and cried out in fear, “It’s a ghost!” 27 But Jesus spoke to them at once, saying, “Take heart! It is I! Do not be afraid.”

28 Peter answered him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”

29 Jesus said, “Come!”

Peter stepped down from the boat, walked on the water, and went toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid. As he began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. 33 Those who were in the boat worshipped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God!”

Sometimes life can feel like a storm. It can feel as if everything is swirling out of control. Perhaps you are battered and bruised by dark waves. There's no end in sight. You're tired. And all you can do is try to stay afloat.

That's how the disciples felt in our text. They were caught in a storm that came out of nowhere. They fought against the waves all night. They were afraid and didn't know what was going to happen. But then Jesus came. He changed everything. This is because Jesus Calms the Storms in Life. As we will see, He replaces fear with comfort, and He replaces doubt with trust.

Jesus had just fed more than five thousand people. The crowd responded in wanting to kidnap Him and make Him their King. That would defeat the purpose for which He came. And so Jesus had the disciples get into a boat, while He dismissed the crowd.

With the disciples and the people gone, Jesus used this time of solitude to go upon a mountain to pray. While He talked with His heavenly Father, a storm came suddenly over the Sea of Galilee.

The lake was surrounded by high ridges. This terrain made the weather uncertain. At a moment's notice, a great wind could come up. Therefore, this storm changed a quick boat trip into a matter of life and death. The wind blew straight at the boat. Waves crashed down. The disciples did everything they could to keep the boat afloat. And as the night continued, they became more tired. The chance of making it to the shore on the other side dwindled at every moment.

Often, this is the way life can feel. Things can seem to be going great. Life is tranquil. And then, out of the blue, you find yourself caught in a storm. A storm with so much power and might that you might find yourself wondering if you will get to the other side.

You may be caught in the middle of a storm right now. Perhaps it's a diagnosis concerning your health. It may be the death of a loved one. Or problems within the family. Maybe it's spiritual. It's possible that you have a sin that you keep doing, despite how hard you try. It might feel that you are fighting with all your might against the strong winds. And you're doing all you can to keep your head up and out of the water. 

Yet while the storm rages, Jesus comes, just as He did with the disciples. Between three and six o'clock in the morning, Jesus came walking out to the disciples on the water. "When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and cried out in fear 'It's a ghost!'"

Now here's an interesting thing. If Jesus came walking out to you on a stormy sea, that would be comforting, right? You would hope so. It should be. But for the disciples, they were terrified! It was hard to tell if they were more terrified of Jesus or the storm.

It's unfortunate, but we also can be terrified of God when we are going through one of life's difficult storms. We can allow our fear to cloud our judgment, and not realize who He truly is. And so when Jesus comes to us through Word and sacrament, our reaction can be to run away! It can be hard at times for our frightened and fatigued souls to recognize that God is there to help us in our troubles. Instead, it can seem that He is there to frighten and scare us. 

But nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus immediately says: "Take heart! It is I! Do not be afraid." He isn't there to frighten the disciples, or us. He is there to help and encourage. 

For us, this means that we have no need to fear, even when life storms surround us. We recognize Jesus by faith. He is present with us in His Word because of His holy life, death, and resurrection. If He was willing to die for all of our sins. If He was willing to experience the eternal agony of hell itself, then He is surely with us regardless of what we face in life. There is no need to run away. 

And so when the storms rage around us, and within us, we recognize Jesus by faith. He comes through Word and sacrament and says "Take heart! It is I! Do not be afraid." He strengthens us in His Word. He comes to assure us that everything is going to be ok. He says: “I forgive your sins. I will bring through life’s storms to eternal life in heaven.” He is the "I am." He always is, always has been, and always will be. His divine changelessness is our constant source of refuge and strength. His love and mercies remain the same, even during a difficult diagnosis, even during difficulties within your family. Even during the loss of a loved one. And even when you struggle with sin. Cling to Him! He is your refuge and strength. We hear in psalm eighteen “The Lord is my rocky cliff, my stronghold, and my deliverer. My God is my rock. I take refuge in him. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my high fortress.” He is the only one who can calm the storms you face in life.

Not only does Jesus replace fear with comfort, but He also replaces doubt with trust. It appears that the disciple Peter felt bad for having been afraid of His Lord. And so to prove His faithfulness, He said: "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." This is a demonstration of wonderful faith. And Jesus encourages this. He says to Peter: "Come!"

Peter has faith in Jesus' Word. If Jesus says "Come, walk to me on the water" then that means that Peter could walk on water. In trusting Jesus, Peter puts his feet out of the boat and unto the unstable surface. It holds his weight! He takes step after step, miraculously floating over top the water to Jesus. He was able to do this because of faith in Jesus' Word.

Imagine being Peter. Imagine walking on the cold turbulent water, looking at Jesus, the promised Messiah. The storm raged round about. But Peter is safe. In this moment, he had a firm trust in Jesus. 

This is an example for you. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! There is no reason to fear. Trusting in His Word, you are able to walk through the storms of life keeping afloat. Trusting in Jesus, you will not sink.

But then something happens in this incredible moment. Peter sees the strong wind. He sees the huge waves crashing down. His trust was replaced with doubt. He became afraid, and so He began to sink. 

You see, as long as we are holding onto Jesus' eternal words of life, everything is ok. We will not sink beneath the waves. But when we loose sight of Jesus and His Words, then we sink down below.

It's so easy to doubt. It's so easy in this life to wonder if God really is in control of everything. It's easy to wonder why He allows certain things to befall us. It's easy to be afraid. This happened to Peter, a disciple who saw Jesus perform amazing miracles. It also happens to us, and even of those of the strongest faith.

And so when you find yourself doubting, you can say, along with Peter "Lord, save me!" Forgive my sins. Forgive every time I have not trusted you as I should. Only He can save us. It is as we hear in Isaiah chapter forty three: "But now this is what the Lord says, the Lord who created you, O Jacob, the Lord who formed you, O Israel. Do not be afraid, because I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. When you cross through the waters, I will be with you. When you cross the rivers, they will not sweep you away. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned,  and the flame will not set you on fire.”

Jesus reached down and pulled Peter out of the water, saying "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Jesus is always right there. He is stronger than the wind. He is stronger than the difficulties we face in life. There is no reason to doubt. 

Today, Jesus wants to strengthen your faith in Him as you face life's stormy sea, just as He did with Peter. For every time that you doubt and worry, Jesus lived a perfect life of trust in your place. He entered into the middle of the storms of life for you. And then He even stretched out His hands to save you upon the cross. And He has grabbed ahold of you with His Word and the sacraments. By faith in Him, created by the Holy Spirit through the Word and sacrament, He will never leave your side. It is in faith, that you recognize that He is there with you. He is the only one who can replace your doubt with trust and confidence.

When Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind stopped. This reveals that Jesus is in control of everything. When He is in the boat with you, everything's ok. His presence calms the storms. Let go of your desire to control everything. You can't, anyways. Instead, direct your attention to God. He alone is in control. He alone has a plan for your life that's better than you can hope or imagine.

Faith in Jesus doesn't mean that the storms won't come. They will. There are times that will shake you to your core. But when this happens, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Cling to Him firmly, and hold onto His Word of truth. Keep receiving the Lord's Supper. In doing so, you will not sink, but float. Your faith will be strengthened through your trial. And you will come to understand that Jesus is the only one who truly calms the storms in your life. 

After Jesus got into the boat, and the storm immediately stopped, the disciples worshipped Him. How can we help, but do likewise? Jesus is truly the Son of God. He is the one who has forgiven all of our sinful fear and doubt. He is our Lord and Savior. And so we praise Him. We recognize who He is. We give Him honor and praise, and sing thanksgiving in His name. 

Today, the One who walks on seas and is in control of everything strengthens your faith. You may be in a stormy time of life, wondering if you'll ever get to the other side. But in Jesus, you will get to the other side safely. You'll one day be in heaven, where there will be no more waves, no more temptations to fear and doubt. While you wait, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. As you walk on the turbulent waters of life, He will keep you afloat. He truly replaces fear with comfort, and doubt with trust. He is the great "I AM." He always is, always has been, and always will be. Put your faith and trust in Him. He is the One who calms the storms of your life. In His Word, Jesus says: "Take heart! It is I! Do not be afraid." Amen.

Pastor Johnson



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