Prepare Your Heart for Jesus
Mark 1:1-8
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 2 This is how it is written in the prophet Isaiah:[a]
Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare the way for you. 3 A voice of one calling out in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord. Make his paths straight.”[b]
4 John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
5 The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him. They were baptized by him in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins. 6 John was clothed in camel’s hair, and he wore a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey. 7 He preached, “One more powerful than I is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the strap of his sandals! 8 I baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
Are you ready for Christmas? Is the tree up? How about the cookies, are they baked? And don't forget about the presents.
There is much to think about during this busy season. There is definitely a lot to prepare. But all your preparations are pointless if you don't understand the message John the baptist shares with us today.
John tells us about One who came into this world, and also how to truly prepare for His coming. We prepare in true repentance over our sins, and understand that we are also washed clean in baptism.
John the Baptist was quite the man. He lived out in the wilderness. He wore camel's hair with a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts.
But there is a reason for all of this. There was another prophet, Elijah, who also wore a similar outfit and also lived for a time in the wilderness. In Malachi chapter four verse five we hear God announce "Look! I am going to send Elijah the prophet to you before the great and fearful day of the Lord comes!" John the Baptist is the next Elijah, who was prophesied to come.
John the baptist was sent by God. He was sent to prepare the way for Jesus. And so even though John was a peculiar person with a different clothing style and diet, He made it clear that He was not the Messiah. In fact, he was not even worthy of the humblest tasks of a servant. John explains: "I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the strap of his sandals!"
John the Baptist understood that he was a sinner. He was unworthy. And so even though God had called him to preach and baptize in the wilderness, John remained a humble servant of God. John understood that He was pointing forward to someone greater than he ever could be. He was pointing forward to the promised Messiah, the Savior of the world.
And so the question for you this morning, is "are you truly prepared for Jesus to come?" Do you recognize that you are a sinner? Do you realize that you need forgiveness?
It can be difficult to admit when we are in the wrong. And so it takes a great amount of courage to admit that we are sinners. Just think about your daily interactions with others. How many times have you found it difficult to apologize to others when you hurt them? Or do you think to yourself "that's ok, they should just get over it."
Or perhaps you are so used to sin, that you don't think much about it anymore. Maybe you sin here and there without a worry or concern. You may find yourself saying that "it's no big deal."
In order to prepare the way of the Lord, John the baptist comes preaching repentance. He says: "admit your sins." "You are not worthy, not even of untying Jesus' shoelace."
You see, it doesn't matter if you have your Christmas tree up. It doesn't matter if you have presents picked out already or not. The cookies don't matter either. External preparations do not change your heart. What God wants is for you to be internally prepared. What God wants is a preparation of your heart.
Preparation begins by repenting of your sins. The picture language in our text is of a road. The road is full of huge boulders and rocks. That is not a road fit for a king! And so in order to prepare the way before the Lord, those huge rocks need to be removed.
The road is a picture of your heart. Because of sin, it's full of bumps and rocks of every size. In order to prepare your heart for Jesus' return, your heart needs to be cleansed. It needs to be "smoothed out." And the first step of this process is repentance. And this is ultimately an act of God. He works repentance in people's hearts through the law.
After you acknowledge your sins, you are then ready for forgiveness. John preached a baptism of "repentance for the forgiveness of sins." All those who by the Holy Spirit admitted their sins, were then baptized. John's baptism was a Christian baptism, just as valid as the baptisms we receive today. The Holy Spirit was at work with the water through the Word. Wherever God's Word is, there the Holy Spirit is present.
Those who were baptized were washed clean of their sins. They received Christ's robe of righteousness. And so having repented and turned from their sin, and having received Christ's forgiveness, they were prepared for Christ's coming.
Christ came to forgive everyone their sins. The gospel of Mark wastes no time in getting to the message of salvation. That Jesus, who is true God, came into the world as a man to die upon the cross for the sins of mankind. That's why it's so important to understand that you are a sinner. Because sinners need a Savior.
And so this Christmas, make it a priority to analyze your life according to the Ten Commandments. Do you always love God? Is He first in your life? Or have other things taken His place? How about your neighbor? Do you love your neighbor as yourself? Or, do you find yourself acting selfishly around others?
The more time you spend reflecting upon the Ten Commandments, the more obvious it becomes that you are a sinner. I am too. And sinners need a Savior.
We call it the Great Exchange. Jesus took upon Himself your sin. Your death. And in turn, He gives you His forgiveness. His life. His salvation. The holy precious blood that He shed upon the cross is for you.
Everything that Jesus won upon the cross becomes yours by faith. All that Jesus has is yours! And faith is created by Word and sacrament.
In the cleansing waters of baptism, your sins were buried with Christ in the tomb. And just as Jesus rose, so too you have received a new man that rises up. You now have a new heart in Christ. You now want to life a life prepared for Christ's return.
Jesus, the holy one, the eternal Son of God, is coming again. He is coming again not in humility, as he did when he was a baby. Instead, He comes again in power and might. He comes as the divine judge over all the world.
And so how do we live a life prepared for his coming? How do we know we are ready? Remember your baptism. Every day is a return to the cleansing water of baptism. Every day the sinful nature is drowned, and the new man comes forth in Christ. That's how you know you are ready. You are a baptized child of God!
As we go throughout life, we still struggle with the sinful nature. We don't always obey God as we should. We go to church and confess our sins, and then we go home and sin again. The life of faith is a constant struggle.
And so it's important that we daily return to our baptism in repentance. The Holy Spirit leads us to repent of our sins, and drown them in the baptismal waters. And then daily, we rise again to a new life of faith.
God also strengthens you in the faith through the Lord's Supper, that we receive here this morning. Jesus gives you His true body and blood to assure you that your sins are truly forgiven. He gives Himself to you to help you resist sin. He gives Himself to comfort you during your trials in life as you look forward to heaven.
Today, in His Word, God tells you "Repent! Turn away form all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall." In faith, you recognize that are a sinner. And then turn to Jesus. Turn to the One who will never drive you away. Turn to the Holy One who is always faithful, and always loving. He tells you "You are united to me, and I to you. You are forgiven. In me, God the Father doesn't see your sins. He doesn't see your dirt. Instead, you have my holiness, my perfection, and my righteousness.”
Are you prepared for Christmas? This morning, John the Baptist drives home the need to repent. The seriousness of sin needs to be understood before the need of a Savior is evident. Thanks be to God that Jesus took your place and died for your sins. Baptism unites you to Christ's death and resurrection. Baptism creates faith in Jesus. And so, dear brothers and sisters, you are prepared! Every day you turn in repentance from your sin, and cling to Jesus. That's how you prepare for Christmas. That's how you prepare for Christ's second coming. Come soon, Lord Jesus! Come soon, and bring us from this sinful world to be with you in heaven. Amen.
Pastor Samuel Johnson